Yearly Archives: 2014

Shingles is a disease that is also the same virus responsible for chickenpox (varicella-zoster virus) having had chicken pox in earlier years it appears the virus that courses shingles stays within the body without any complications that is until you get older when at a time you are stressed or taking medication that lowers the immune system even a condition that affects your immune system, such as HIV or AIDS .It is not possible to catch shingles from someone or chickenpox if they have the condition but strangely you can catch chickenpox from a person who has shingles if you have not had it before so be aware. Although it is most common in people over age 50, anyone who has had chickenpox is at risk.



The symptoms of shingles include burning or shooting pain and tingling or itching, usually on one side of the body or face. The pain can be mild to severe. Rashes or blisters appear anywhere from one to 14 days later. If shingles appears on your face, it may affect your vision or hearing. The pain of shingles may last for weeks, months, or even years after the blisters have healed. A rash will soon appear forming blisters and the patient feels a lot of pain with a fever. An episode of shingles typically lasts around two to four weeks.


Firstly try to cover the infected area with clothing or non stick dressing to minimize the risk of someone else contracting chickenpox. Taking pain killers would be helpful to ease the pain also a G P may recommend a course of antiviral medication in most cases shingles will last up to two to four weeks. Complications may occur when the immune system is low as in the elderly  in the form of severe nerve pain which can last for months  after the rash has gone The use of calamine lotion can help ease the itching Some creams that contain capsaicin  may be useful in reducing pain caused by shingles. Capsaicin is a pepper extract, and it has been used for centuries as a natural pain reliever these creams may make it less painful and easier to tolerate.

Impetigo is a very contagious skin infection that causes sores and blisters. If treatment is quick the infection can be dealt with within a week. There are two main types of impetigo non-bullous and bullous.

Non-bullous impetigo will infect the mouth and nose area as sores that will burst and form a crust like scab yellow and brown in its appearance.            impetigo

Bullous impetigo on the other hand will form around the trunk of a patient the waist and lower neck regions forming blisters that readily burst also forming crusted areas both are painless but may cause itching and redness in the infected area.

In some rare cases impetigo can become severe where large sections of the skin are effected leading to a fever and the person feels ill with diarrhoea making them become weak. At this point medical help would be advised so consult a G P.

Impetigo is so contagious it would wise not to come into contact with other people so staying at home and not going out would be the best idea to limit the spread of the infection .When at home do not share towels or flannels or even sheets if possible . Always  after use wash these in a very high temperature. High heat will kill the germs and reduce the chances of further out breaks. To wash the infected area instead of using a flannel use cotton wool balls, by dipping the balls into a diluted solution of Miltons baby sterilizing  liquid wipe each area once discarding the ball each time so using a clean cotton ball for one area only (as in dip-wipe-discard ) always do a test area first to make sure there is no complications.

Avoid touching the sores and do not scratch them as this will lead to more damage to the skin as to cause scarring and will spread the infection further. If at all possible when every you touch something try to clean it as someone else could come into contact with that object and become infected. Most people are no longer contagious after 48 hours of treatment or once their sores have dried and healed.


Antibiotics in the form of tablets or cream are the quickest way to  resolve the problem For mild cases of impetigo that cover a small area, antibiotic cream is often recommended. This will usually need to be applied three or four times a day for seven days. Antibiotic tablets are usually prescribed if the cream has little effect If a course of oral antibiotics is prescribed is it is important to finish the course even if the symptoms clear up before you have taken all the tablets .If  the symptoms persist after antibiotics have been used then it would wise to seek more medical help.

Impetigo is rarely serious but sometimes it can become just that .


Ecthyma  is a skin condition that has all the signs of being impetigo (it is also called deep impetigo) but in appearance is smaller but it penetrates deep into the skin it often starts on the legs it forms a harder crust that is thicker to than impetigo. If the crust is removed it will  reveal an ulcer that may be  swollen and oozing with pus if a patient is lucky this can resolve its self and go as quickly as it came but in other cases it remains and may even grow. These lesions many become swollen and painful. This condition is common if Poor hygiene is present and living in hot and humid places along with impetigo not being treated .


As like impetigo treatment is a course of antibiotics either in the form of cream or tablets if hygiene is improved and washing with antiseptic soap or cleanser this will greatly aid in reducing the spread as will changing the laundry clothes and linen frequently also Using separate towels and flannels to prevent spreading infection. Unlike impetigo, ecthyma may result in permanent scarring because the crust has to be removed in order to treat the lesion. If you carefully clean the skin after an injury such as a bite or scratch do not pick or scratch at scabs or sores to prevent such an infection occurring.



Chemicals are not always the answer to skin problems so natural skin remedies can sometimes be the only option. Just the cost alone can put people of creams and ointments so we have tried to come up with some natural skin remedies to combat skin complaints. Some products can be harmful to sensitive skin types where others might not do a great deal to help at all .Natural skin remedies are a place a lot of people are beginning to look at more to be far trying a more natural way may benefit you more so why not take a look. First  of all try to keep your skin clean wash as much as possible at least twice a day for oily skin. Always fragrant free soaps like simple soap or citrus soaps like lemon or orange among simple soapothers. After washing  it is a good idea to dab dry then apply some thing like lemon juice this can remove oils from your face and  body preventing bacteria from growing again always apply with a cotton wool ball or a dry  pad. When the areas are dry then one of the best things to do I put aloe vera gel by gently rubbing it into your face aloe vera can also be used to reduce wrinkles .Aloe  vera is a good moisturiser too if you want to use a mask a good tip is to put honey on your skin it soothes and helps to remove scarring as well as pimples . Leave the honey on your skin for about 15-20 minutes then rinse with cold water . Ice cubes dipped in milk then gently rub on your face will freeze the bacteria and soothe a red and irritated pimple. Cider vinegar is a great natural skin remedy for reducing pimples and scars from acne mix with water and apply over night for the best results . For dry skin try mashing up two bananas in a bowl add two table spoons of honey and mix then apply to the dry skin with drinking-cotton balls or a pad after 15-20 minutes clean with warm water. It is important to drink lots of water during the day as this will aid your in keeping hydrated which in turn keeps your skin healthy.

There are creams and oils that are available that are made from nature cocoa butter is one .


Cocoa butter is on the lips of most pregnant women in the fight against stretch marks. Many women claimed regular use of cocoa butter was what kept their stretch marks away. Cocoa butter is obtained from the cocoa beans which are fermented, roasted, and then separated from their hulls. It is edible and is used in the making of chocolate but for skin care it is considered an ideal base for medicinal uses The velvety texture, pleasant fragrance   properties of cocoa butter have made it a popular ingredient in products for the skin, such as soaps and lotions. Cocoa butter has great moisturizing properties and is said to be  widely used to prevent dry skin  it is high in fatty acids and hydrates the skin deeply. Also cocoa butter has been said to help skin complaints such as eczema and dermatitis.: Cocoa butter is high in fatty acids and hydrates the skin deeply.


Tea tree oil is also made rom natural means an is derived from Australia where the where Aborigines have been using it as an antiseptic to treat cuts and burns for thousands of years. the oil is distilled from the leaves of a tree called Melaleuca alternifolia, you can find tea tree oil in everything from your shampoo to your deodorant, and it has the potential to improve your skin by treating acne, psoriasis, eczema and many other conditions. Tea tree oil kills microorganisms that can cause diseases, and that makes it useful in treating everything from acne, burns and cold sores to fungal infections, insect bites and inflammation. Experts believe that he anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil can help treat acne and histamine-induced inflammation caused by many allergies. Tea tree oil is widely used by many but be sure to test an area first to make sure there is no reaction.

Another natural ingredient is Turmeric.


Turmeric is a spice used mainly in Asian cooking, specifically Thai and Indian. You might know it as more commonly known as curry powder believe it or not turmeric is beneficial to your skin when used as a face mask. Simply combine it with yogurt and a bit of honey and apply to their skin for 20 minutes before washing off. It is said to be great at healing acne and reducing scars coursed by acne if used on a regular basis. Just a word of warning turmeric can in some cases temporarily stain the skin but sating that it can be used as a skin toner if used frequently .

Discoid Lupus is a condition that body’s immune system attacks its own tissue this in turn causes the skin to inflame and will be damaged as a result .The rash is more common in the summer months, as it tends to flare up in response to sun exposure.  With this in mind the use of protective sun wear such as hats and the application of sunscreen is very helpful preventing more damage to the skin.

There are several types of lupus :discoid lupus erythematosus  and systemic lupus erythematosus Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) is a condition which generally affects only the skin and is less severe than systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) which can also affect kidneys ,eyes, lungs and joints. Another form of the disease is subacute cutaneous lupus(SCLE) this is a milder form and is similar to psoriasis.

discoid lupus

discoid lupus

DLE can usually be successfully controlled using medication and by avoiding exposure to direct sunlight.

The symptoms of discoid lupus are the skin becomes red and scally sores which are round in there appearance.

The symptoms of SLE can range from mild to severe even mild cases of SLE can have a big impact on a persons quality of life as it may cause pain and fatigue and this leads to feelings of depression.Thanks to advances in treatments, now most people with SLE have a normal, or near normal, life expectancy both these diseases are more common in women The condition can be difficult to diagnose as there are many other common conditions with similar symptoms. Diets play a part in the control of the disease a low calorie, low fat diet with small amounts of saturated fat is recommended.Have plenty of green raw and steamed vegetables, chicken, and fish. Eating oily fish such as salmon or sardines packed in sardine oil three times a week helps to fight inflammation and heal the skin manifestations of lupus. drink plenty of water this keeps your body hydrated which is essential in having healthy skin. Try to avoid such foods as tomatoes and peppers .Eliminate from your diet animal fats and oils high in omega-6 oils, such as corn, safflower, and sunflower oils. These promote inflammation.

Medication also plays a big part in the fight against Discoid Lupus and SLE Hydroxychloroquine is a medicine previously used to treat malaria but is also effective in treating some of the symptoms of SLE, such as skin rashes, joint and muscle pain and fatigue it helps to prevent flare-ups and to prevent development of more serious problems from lupus. Immunosuppressants are a type of medicine that suppress your immune system this kind  of medication is usually only prescribed if you have severe SLE. Even ibuprofen is used as an anti-inflammatory .Often, a person with discoid can control the severity of his or her lesions by applying cortisone ointment or having a physician administer cortisone injections. Injections are usually the more effective option. Also, creams that are calcineurin inhibitors will assist in treating lesions, such as pimecrolimus cream and tacrolimus ointment.


You are at a higher risk of contracting psoriasis if you smoke

smoking leads to psoriasis

smoking leads to psoriasis

Smoking has a massive effect on your skin it reduces the oxygen flow which in turn causes wrinkles and lines around your mouth and eyes called crows feet it is said that tobacco smoke has so many chemicals they are known to damage collagen and elastin components of your skin which makes the skin sag and droop also accelerating the aging process. But the worrying thing is seems that a heavy smoker has a greater chance of developing psoriasis. a skin condition that causes scally red  flaky crusty patches on the elbows knees back and feet.

The severity of psoriasis varies greatly from person to person. For some people, it is just a minor irritation, for others it has a major impact on their quality of life.Psoriasis occurs when the process by which the body produces skin cells is accelerated. Skin cells are normally made and replaced every three to four months, but in psoriasis this process only lasts about three to seven days. The resulting build-up of skin cells is what creates the patches associated with Psoriasis

The immune system is your body’s defence against disease and infection, but in people with psoriasis it attacks healthy skin cells by mistake. psoriasis can run in the family it is said to be genetic the  symptoms of the disease can be brought on by many ways where if a person has had an injury or even some kinds of medicines(always read the labels first before taking any medication) in a lot of cases creams and ointments well clear it but in others more serious cases a treatment called phototherapy may be used. Phototherapy involves exposing your skin to certain types of ultraviolet light for most people applying creams and ointments to the effected area is enough to solve the problem but there are some who have a real problem and this in turn brings other complications like low esteem and confidence issues then the treatment has to be diagnosed by a G P or dermatologist.



Speak to your GP or healthcare team if you have psoriasis and you have any concerns about your physical and mental wellbeing. They can offer advice and further treatment if necessary. There are also a number of support groups for people with psoriasis, such as The Psoriasis Association, where you can speak to other people with the condition.


  • To help you to get an even better complexion there are foods out there to improve not only on the outside but inside as well here are a few.
  1.   HONEY                                                         cleansing face

Honey is a natural humectant, which means that it both attracts moisture and helps lock it in. It’s exactly what parched skin craves, so if you’re suffering from itchy, flaky skin, add some honey to your bath

Because of its antibacterial qualities, many people think honey might also be beneficial for acne. But know that not all honeys are created equal — where it comes from and how it’s processed affect its antibacterial properties also a potent antibacterial agent Honey is 98% sugar and as a result.makes it a poor environment for bacteria to flourish it might be an effective weapon against strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, like MRSA. An added benefit is that it seems to make wounds smell better

2.      SEA FOOD

shell fishWe have all heard about how good sea food is for your overall health but did you know that it is also very good for your skin oysters and fatty fish like salmon are very good. The primary nutrients that make fish so good for your complexion are zinc and omega-3  fatty acids. Increasing omega-3 intake can reduce dryness and inflammation. If you eat omega-3 foods often this is said to aid in the fight against eczema. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help keep the heart’s arteries clear and thus improve circulation. Good circulation is crucial to skin health even the zinc found in fish can help in reducing acne .

3.   EGGS                 eggs

Egg yolks are an important source of vitamin-a which helps your skin repair itself. If you’re not getting enough of it from your diet, it will show in your skin Egg yolks are also a source of vitamin-b which is very good for skin as well as nails

When it comes to eggs, there’s no need to separate the benefits — both yolks and whites hold skin care gifts.

4. OATMEAL                                                 oatmeal-close-up

Oatmeal can be found in the ingredients of many skin care products because of its natural properties. It is great for tacking itchy skin and will help to keep moisture in oatmeal has natural cleansers that have antifungal and antibacterial qualities.

Having oats for breakfast is a great way  to kick start any day.

5. VEGETABLES                                             greens

One thing is for sure you can eat lots vegetables to help with weight loss and one of the best to eat is spinach is has many benefits one is it can aid in healing dry skin.Spinach and other green, leafy foods provide tons of vitamin A, too, which helps your skin produce more fresh new cells and get rid of the old ones, reducing dryness but balance your intake of vitamin-a as having to much may cause heath problems .Eating red and green vegetables can only be good for you.

If you want to have great skin you have to look after your whole body eat healthy excise (any excise is better than none) and relax keep stress out of your life if you can again exercise is a great way to relieve stress.

6. TOMATO’S                                              TOMATO

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. It works alongside other antioxidants such as vitamins E and C and is essential for the immune system tomato’s and nuts especially brazil nuts can boost your intake of Selenium  . Eat more raw vegetables, wholegrains, fresh fruit and fish. Try to include selenium-rich foods, such as Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, fresh tuna, sunflower seeds, walnuts and wholemeal bread.




Coconut is a great at keeping your skin moist  wrinkle free and soft due to an antibacterial and antiviral agent that keeps away viruses, infections, inflammation and  acne .coconut oil

Coconut oil is also rich in essential fatty acids and Vitamin E which are important ingredient’s in helping keep a healthy skin .

Coconut oil is an excellent massage oil for the skin as well. It acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skin, including dry skin .  Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema .the oil can be put into many products as in a soap, lotion and creams.  





Eating  spinach can only be a benefit it has a lot of nutrients like iron

Vitamin E, magnesium, Vitamin A, fiber, plant protein, and Vitamin C. Due to their antioxidant abilities, Vitamins C, E, and A  that arespinach

especially great for your skin.Spinach contains antioxidants that help to cleanse and help your skin. Using spinach as a face mask can help in the fight against acne ,by blending the spinach with water and applying it to your face for about twenty minutes ,this will aid in drying the skin as well as  cleaning it the antioxidant’s and vitamins in the spinach even out your complexion making your skin glow.  Also consider celery it contains Vitamin K that keeps the blood circulation healthy

Celery also contains natural sodium, potassium and water, and can help to prevent dehydration.





Salomon has vitamin D which is fantastic for looking after your heart, bones and brain healthy. salmon is a great food to eat not just for its omega properties but it reduces stress the omega -3 fatty acids found in the fish are salomon

excellent for fighting inflammation, wrinkles and acne. Its high omega-3 content also helps hydrate your skin from the inside out. Moreover, eating salmon keeps your scalp hydrated and promotes strong, healthy hair. It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals to keep you young and healthy.





Red bell peppers are a great source of vitamin -c as one pepper has 100% of your daily needs.

It also contains dietary fiber and vitamin B6. which are  rich in carotenoids that can help prevent wrinkles and increase blood circulation to your skin, helping it look more youthful. Due to their carotenoids, red bell peppers arered bell peppers also great to fight acne .Red  bell peppers are every good foods to add to any salad as it is very low in calories .










A lemons juice contains natural enzymes that have the ability to tighten skin and giving the skin a brighter appearance.lemons Lemons are particularly good at reducing pores and for cleaning the skin. Because of the acidic nature of the juice it is perfect for the reduction of blemishes .The citric acid in lemons attacks the pigments in your skin responsible for a red or discolored blemish the easiest way to apply the juice is to soak a clean face towel in lemon and place it on your face for about a minute then clean your face with clean warm water. Be sure to test the lemon juice on a small area first as your skin maybe sensitive .You can also add tomato juice and lemon juice together to make a mix that you can apply by dabbing with a cotton wool ball or pad this will give you similar results. Or just rub a lemon slice over your face make sure to wash after about 30 seconds with method.





We have all seen the pictures of a lady with a cucumber slice on each eye well that is acucumber great way to reduce dark lines from your eyes. But did you know that a cucumber can also help your skin as you get older your skin loses important antioxidants these are vital in the fight against wrinkles and sun damage .The skin will be able to absorb antioxidants so with a cucumber has Vitamin-A which fights the production of melanin deposits which determine the skin pigment. The cooling effect of the cucumber means it is great for any skin irritant it can clean and soothe and even soften the skin.

To apply a face mask first peel and deseed a cucumber add a couple of mint leaves and mix up into a puree, then take egg white and add it to the puree mixture then mix these up .Apply this mix to your face leave on for about 20 minutes while doing this lay back add a slice of cucumber to each eye and relax .After the 20 minutes or so wash your face with clean water and dab dry.



This an original article from the daily mail

Schoolboys scarred for life after Henna tattoos they had during holiday to Egypt burnt into their skin

Two schoolboy brothers have been scarred for life after temporary tattoos burnt into their skin on an Easter Holiday from hell.

Liam, 16, and Owen Groves, 14, pestered their mother to allow them to have henna body art while on an all-inclusive holiday in Egypt.

But instead of natural henna the tattoo artist, who worked in the resort where they were staying, used super-strength black henna.

Liam Groves, 16, got a tattoo using ‘black henna’ while on holiday in Egypt but was left permanently scarred after chemical in the dye burned into his skin                                                                                       



Younger brother Owen, 13, suffered a similar reaction. Unlike henna, which is a natural plant dye which turns the skin dark brown, ‘black henna’ is synthetic and often made with hair dye which burns the skin

While henna itself is a harmless natural product used to turn the skin dark brown, ‘black’ henna is usually made using hair dye which contains harmful chemicals which burn the skin.

On the plane home Liam and Owen couldn’t stop itching and had to be pulled out of school when they returned to the UK as the patterns turned into sores The dodgy tattoos have permanent scars on their backs and the brothers now can’t take their tops off in the sun as doctors warned to avoid direct sunlight on the area.

The tattoos were initially fine but began itching on the way home and eventually turned into large sores      

 As like my daughter I feel these will take a while to heal just be very careful  Maybe test a small area first to see how your body reacts                                                                          


ECZEMA is a condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red, dry and cracked. It is a long-term, or chronic, condition .It is also called
Atopic eczema commonly occurs in areas with folds of skin, such as:
  • behind the knees
  • the inside of the elbows
  • on the side of the neck
  • around the eyes and ears

This condition can   include cracked, sore and bleeding skin.

Common irritants include:

  • detergents and soaps
  • antiseptics and antibacterials
  • perfumes and preservatives in toiletries or cosmetics


    eczema causes blistering and sores

  • solvents
  • oils used in machines
  • chemicals, such as disinfectants
  • acids and alkalis
  • cement
  • powders
  • water, especially hard, chalky water or heavily chlorinated water
  • dust
  • soil
  • some plants, such as clematis, hellebore and mustards
  • gardening ,contact with soil where pesticides are present

One of the most important steps in treating contact dermatitis is identifying and avoiding the allergens or irritants that affect you. If you can successfully avoid the cause, you should not experience any symptoms. But this is not as easy as it sounds so best way is to see your GP so as to minimise the problem. Try talking to your employer about your condition to help regular contact with the substance that is causing the problem.

If you are aware of the problem areas then by changing what you use or avoiding the item will greatly improve the situation

Barrier creams can be applied to create a barrier between you and the irritant. If used correctly, they may help prevent contact with the irritant.

if you are at concerned about medication and oils or creams (some contain steroids) then there  is some alternative ways to control the issues by more natural means have a lookClick Here!

Do you know what is in your sunscreen?

by CLAIRE ROERTS, Daily Mail

They are designed to protect our skin from sun damage, but some experts are now questioning whether some sunscreens could be harmful as well as beneficial.

New research suggests that the complex cocktail of chemicals which helps to stop the sun’s rays from causing skin cancer and premature ageing can contain carcinogenic substances.

These chemicals can also prompt skin reactions, while the instructions on the bottles are often not clear enough.

While dermatologists agree that the dangers of sun exposure without a sun cream far outweigh any dangers the creams might pose, should we be more choosy about what we put on our skin?

What’s the problem?

Sunscreens come in two main forms: chemical sun creams, which contain ingredients that bind with skin cells, and physical blocks, which are made with titanium and zinc and stay on the surface of the skin, reflecting harmful rays away from the body. Some sunscreens are a combination of both.

In the past, chemical or combined versions have been most people’s choice because, unlike titanium and zinc-based screens, they do not create a white film. But opinion is changing.

Researchers at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, have discovered substances, called endocrine disruptors, which mimic oestrogen in five ultraviolet screening chemicals found in sun creams.

While their studies did not show they were harmful to people, they caused developmental problems in animals and made cancer cells grow more rapidly.

For most dermatologists the jury is still out. Dr John Ashworth, a consultant dermatologist and a member of the UK Skin Cancer Working Party, says: ‘There is no substantial scientific paper stating that some sun creams contain hormones and could have a carcinogenic effect on the body.’

Dr Nick Lowe, a leading consultant dermatologist from the Cranley Clinic in London, stresses that this study must be seen in context.

‘Human skin prevents absorbtion of chemicals better than rodent skin,’ he says. ‘And it is almost impossible to stop rats licking the tested sun creams and taking it internally like a poison.’

Nevertheless, no one is certain how much a chemical that binds with skin tissue, as in the case of chemical sunscreens, is absorbed.

Dr Ashworth suggests that physical sun blocks are safer until more is known, as titanium and zinc are inert. Fortunately, many physical blocks are invisible when applied.

Dr Hauschka’s Sunscreen Lotion SPF15 (£9, 01386 792 642) does not show at all, while the SPF20 (£11) creates a fine white tinge on some skin shades.

Sun Sense’s Daily Face SPF30 (£8.95, Boots) is slightly tinted, so it is a physical sunscreen giving maximum protection without the pale-faced look.

How much is enough>

Kate Law, head of clinical programmes at the Cancer Research Campaign says: ‘The amount of cream you need to ensure the SPF works at its proper level is far more than anyone uses.’

She says an adult body in a swimsuit needs 100ml of sun cream – a third of a small bottle. Tesco has just launched an innovative chemical sun cream for children which ensures the whole body is covered.

The Kid’s Colour Change Spray SPF35 (£4.99) sprays on purple and turns clear when rubbed in.

To be effective, sun protection also needs to be applied every two hours, or every time you get wet from swimming or sweating, and 20 minutes before going out in the sun.

‘Because people apply sunscreen they think they can spend more time in the sun,’ says Kate Law.

This could explain why even though we are buying more sunscreens, the rate of malignant skin cancer is still rising. More than 5,000 people a year die of malignant melanoma and 50,000 require operations.

Sunscreens can help, but as Dr Ashworth tells his patients: ‘Just as there is no safe way of smoking a cigarette, there is no safe way of getting a tan.’

Even with lashings of lotion, you should still avoid the midday sun, wear clothes as protection and do not overdo the sunbathing.

Any sun protection less than SPF15 is barely worth using in Britain. In Europe or anywhere warmer, slap on a factor 30 or higher.

But even wearing a high SPF is not enough. Check that your sun cream screens not only UVB light but also UVA light and infrared.

Most creams now have a star system for indicating UVA protection, with four stars giving the best results and being the only one worth considering.

What if I’m allergic?

Skin sensitivity to chemicals in sun blocks can cause irritation and even full-blown allergies. Anyone can develop an intolerance to any one of the ingredients. Benzophe-none-3, one of the chemicals isolated in the test, can irritate skin.

However, irritation is far less likely with physical blocks because zinc and titanium do not bind with skin cells.

Dr Ashworth suggests you test out your cream on the side of the neck twice a day for three days before your holiday.

If your skin tingles or reddens then change brands immediately – otherwise the continued use of it could turn into an unpleasant allergy.

Luckily, sunscreens are now so well tested that the chances of irritation are minimal.

In fact, many dermatologists believe you are far more likely to develop a problem with after-sun lotions, as these are designed to penetrate the skin.
 this is an original article by the daily mail





If you’re thinking of getting a fake tattoo over Spring Break, you might want to think again.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, while temporary body art may involve less commitment than permanent ink, it’s certainly not harmless and could result in a trip to the emergency room.

MedWatch, the FDA’s safety and health complaints hotline, has had scores of consumers report bad side effects to the fleeting markings, including redness, blisters, raised red weeping lesions, loss of pigmentation and even permanent scarring.

‘Just because a tattoo is temporary it doesn’t mean that it is risk free,’ Dr. Linda Katz, director of Food and Drug Administration’s Office of Cosmetics and Colors, said.

Marketed as ‘Henna,’ the ink is often just cheap black hair dye rather than the natural reddish-brown coloring that has been used for cultural festivals in areas of Africa and Asia for centuries.

The coal-tar hair dye contains p-phenylenediamine (PPD), an ingredient that can cause dangerous skin reactions in some people and is banned from use in cosmetics that are intended to be applied to the skin.

Some states have laws and regulations for temporary tattooing, while others don’t.

this is an original article by the daily mail.

Our daughter had a similar thing happen to her, now she is allergic to any hair dye products .She has an reaction that causes her face to swell and produce red sores to her scalpe so be aware.