CELLULITE-orange peel skin

orange peel skin

Cellulite condition is usually the appearance of lumpy or dimpled skin with  fatty deposits under the skin in the medical field it is known as orange peel syndrome or cottage cheese skin .It is most noticeable on the buttocks and thighs and although both sexes are prone,  it  is women who seem to suffer the most.


This is believed to be because women have different tissues and fat types to men The causes of cellulite are not well understood, but there are several theories that have been put forth as explanations. Among these are  Genetics, Hormonal factors, diet and a lack of exercise .


The removal of cellulite has many theories but none have been approved by the medical world and jet to be proven even so . However, eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising may be the best way to reduce the fat content in cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Men and women have a different body structure and exercise for men will be a little different to women for a really helpful video giving an insight into this Click Here! Eating healthy, low fat foods such as fruits, vegetables, and fibre  can help one to avoid cellulite. Similarly exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight are recommended to prevent cellulite.




 There are many ways to help to lose cellulite a very popular way can be seen on this video Click Here! but may be you would like to just exercise more while you eat your healthy diet just a brisk stroll can help you don’t have to hit the gym it is said that

70 per cent of cellulite is caused by lifestyle; 30 per cent is genetic


There  are lots of ways to tackle cellulite take a look at simple exercises to suit your abilities start with some helpful tips by clicking on the videos above.