
                                FOODS FOR SKIN-honey               

Honey is a natural humectant, which means that it both attracts moisture and helps lock it in. It’s exactly what parched skin craves, so if you’re suffering from itchy, flaky skin, add some honey to your bath Because of its antibacterial qualities, many people think honey might also be beneficial for acne. But know that not all honey IS created equal — where it comes from and how it’s processed affect its antibacterial properties also a potent antibacterial agent Honey is 98% sugar and as a result.makes it a poor environment for bacteria to flourish it might be an effective weapon against strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, like MRSA. An added benefit is that it seems to make wounds smell better






FOODS FOR SKIN-shell fish We have all heard about how good sea food is for your overall health but did you know that it is also very good for your skin oysters and fatty fish like salmon are very good. The primary nutrients that make fish so good for your complexion are zinc and omega-3  fatty acids. Increasing omega-3 intake can reduce dryness and inflammation. If you eat omega-3 foods often this is said to aid in the fight against eczema. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help keep the heart’s arteries clear and thus improve circulation. Good circulation is crucial to skin health even the zinc found in fish can help in reducing acne .







Egg yolks are an important source of vitamin-a which helps your skin repair itself. If you’re not getting enough of it from your diet, it will show in your skin Egg yolks are also a source of vitamin-b which is very good for skin as well as nails When it comes to eggs, there’s no need to separate the benefits — both yolks and whites hold skin care gifts.








Oatmeal can be found in the ingredients of many skin care products because of its naturalFOODS FOR SKIN- oatmeal properties.

It is great for tackling itchy skin and will help to keep moisture in oatmeal has natural cleansers that have antifungal and antibacterial qualities. Having oats for breakfast is a great way  to kick start any day.










One thing is for sure eating lots vegetables can help with weight loss and one of the FOODS FOR SKIN-vegatablesbest to eat is spinach is has many benefits one is it can aid in healing dry skin.Spinach and other green, leafy foods provide tons of vitamin A, too, which helps your skin produce more fresh new cells and get rid of the old ones, reducing dryness but balance your intake of vitamin-a as having too much may cause heath problems .Eating red and green vegetables can only be good. To  maintain great skin look after your whole body eat healthy excise (any excise is better than none) and relax keep stress out of your life if you can again exercise is a great way to relieve stress.




                                    FOODS FOR SKIN-tomatoes

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. It works alongside other antioxidants such as vitamins E and C and is essential for the immune system tomato’s and nuts especially brazil nuts can boost your intake of Selenium  . Eat more raw vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruit and fish. Try to include selenium-rich foods, such as Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, fresh tuna, sunflower seeds, walnuts and wholemeal bread.





Coconut is a great at keeping your skin moist  wrinkle free and soft due to an antibacterial and antiviral agent that keeps away viruses, infections, inflammation and  acne .FOODS FOR SKIN-coconut oil

Coconut oil is also rich in essential fatty acids and Vitamin E which are important ingredient’s in helping keep a healthy skin .

Coconut oil is an excellent oil for the use of massaging. It acts as an effective moisturiser on all types of skin, including dry skin . Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema .the oil can be put into many products as in a soap, lotion and creams.  





Eating  spinach can only be a benefit it has a lot of nutrients like iron

Vitamin E, magnesium, Vitamin A, fibre, plant protein, and Vitamin C. Due to their antioxidant abilities, Vitamins C, E, and A  that areFOODS FOR SKIN-spinach

especially great for your skin. Spinach contains antioxidants that help to cleanse and help your skin. Using spinach as a face mask can help in the fight against acne ,by blending the spinach with water and applying it to your face for about twenty minutes ,this will aid in drying the skin as well as  cleaning it the antioxidant’s and vitamins in the spinach even out your complexion making your skin glow.  Also consider celery it contains Vitamin K that keeps the blood circulation healthy

Celery also contains natural sodium, potassium and water, and can help to prevent dehydration.





Salmon has vitamin D which is fantastic for looking after your heart, bones and brain healthy. salmon is a great food to eat not just for its omega properties but it reduces stress the omega -3 fatty acids found in the fish are FOODS FOR SKIN-salmon

excellent for fighting inflammation, wrinkles and acne. Its high omega-3 content also helps hydrate your skin from the inside out. Moreover, eating salmon keeps your scalp hydrated and promotes strong, healthy hair. It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals to keep you young and healthy.





Red bell peppers are a great source of vitamin -C as one pepper has 100% of your daily needs.

It also contains dietary fibre and vitamin B 6. which are  rich in carotenoids that can help prevent wrinkles and increase blood circulation to your skin, helping it look more youthful. Due to their carotenoids, red bell peppers areFOODS FOR SKIN-red bell peppers also great to fight acne .Red  bell peppers are every good foods to add to any salad as it is very low in calories .









A lemons juice contains natural enzymes that have the ability to tighten skin and giving the skin a brighter appearance.FOODS FOR SKIN-lemons Lemons are particularly good at reducing pores and for cleaning the skin. Because of the acidic nature of the juice it is perfect for the reduction of blemishes .The citric acid in lemons attacks the pigments in your skin responsible for a red or discoloured blemish the easiest way to apply the juice is to soak a clean face towel in lemon and place it on your face for about a minute then clean your face with clean warm water. Be sure to test the lemon juice on a small area first as your skin maybe sensitive .Also add tomato juice and lemon juice together to make a mix apply by dabbing with a cotton wool ball or pad this will give  similar results. Or just rub a lemon slice over your face make sure to wash after about 30 seconds with method.



We have all seen the pictures of a lady with a cucumber slice on each eye well that is aFOODS FOR SKIN-cucumber great way to reduce dark lines from your eyes. But also a cucumber can also help your skin as you get older your skin loses important antioxidants these are vital in the fight against wrinkles and sun damage .The skin will be able to absorb antioxidants so with a cucumber has Vitamin-A which fights the production of melanin deposits which determine the skin pigment. The cooling effect of the cucumber means it is great for any skin irritant it can clean and soothe and even soften the skin.

To apply a face mask first peel and de seed a cucumber add a couple of mint leaves and mix up into a puree, then take egg white and add it to the puree mixture then mix these up .Apply this mix to your face leave on for about 20 minutes while doing this lay back add a slice of cucumber to each eye and relax .After the 20 minutes or so wash your face with clean water and dab dry.




Citrus fruits like strawberries, kiwis, blueberries, and raspberries not forgetting blackberries asFOODS FOR SKIN-fruits well as other berries all have something in common that is vitamin – C  lots of it. This is a vital ingredient for the body to produce fibroblast cells the very cells that make collagen. The collagen in your body takes care of the health of your blood vessels and with collagen in your blood means muscles in turn are healthier.As well as berries being low in calories with a high fibre they contain essential minerals your body needs to function. Strawberries also contain calcium almost as much as oranges, a  strawberry has magnesium and potassium .They are a good source of  vitamin-B  that helps maintain healthy hair and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and mood disorders. In general berries are known as super foods for all the good they offer.





Bananas are packed with Vitamins and minerals not forgetting magnesium and potassium. FOODS FOR SKIN-bananasA Banana is a great source of fibre the potassium in a Banana helps to maintain  normal blood pressure as well as keeping your heart healthy. Athletes eat Bananas to aid in curbing cramp and to give them a slow release energy boost.Bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke. Eating the banana daily will increase calcium absorption which in turn will maintain strong  bones and teeth. Eating this fruit can help in the control of your blood levels as it contains natural sugar





Avocados are packed with vitamin A, which acts as an excellent remover of dead skin cells.FOOD FOR SKIN-avocado They also contain an amino acid called Glutamine that completely cleans your skin and protects it from harsh environmental damage.

Avocados are also crammed with Antioxidants. These antioxidants help eradicate toxins that cause early pigmentation and wrinkling of the skin. Just mash & smooth the avocado and apply on your skin like a mask.

Avocados are a miracle skin softener. They help clean and restore lost nutrients and stimulate the growth of new skin cells. Naturally, avocados are commonly used in moisturisers and lotions. Why spend on your money on these expensive products when you can buy an avocado?