Keratosis Pilaris or Chicken Skin as it is commonly known is a condition that appears as acne-like clusters of bumps on the skin. They often form on the backs of the upper arms, the thighs and buttocks. The bumps are usually flesh coloured but sometimes they can be a red or brown.



Keratosis pilaris is also very common, affecting up to 50 percent of the adult population.



Coconut oil is a great way to moisturize your skin and has said to very effective in the cure of

Keratosis Pilaris, try adding some to a bath be sure not to have the bath to hot as this will irritate the skin more. After bathing try not to scrub pat dry

with a towel and apply a lotion or cream that gently exfoliates with active ingredients (some to look for: salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, or urea). Products formulated with these ingredients soften and loosen dead skin cells, and can even help break down the excess keratin.


Keratin is the protein in your body caused by the skin’s excess production of the protein keratin. Basically, the protein surrounds a hair follicle and plugs it, resulting in a scaly red bump.


A major cause of Keratosis Pilaris is a lack of Vitamin A. When you don’t have enough Vitamin A, your body begins to produce excess keratin. You can get vitamin A from a ton of food sources, including carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes. Another help is vitamin E this can be found in foods like tomatos and peppers.